The Problem
The client needed an AI-powered sales management tool capable of transforming historical data into precise sales and inventory forecasts. This tool is designed to help small businesses reduce operating costs by minimizing waste. The client provided a detailed customer profile and emphasized that the application’s design should align well with this customer profile.
What Did I Do
As the lead UX designer, I was responsible for establishing the overall branding guidelines and creating a cohesive design system. I used Figma to develop the components of this design system. My primary focus was on the user workflow from the initial login to the main interface.
Key design elements included:
Responsiveness: The prototype was designed with responsiveness in mind, facilitating easier communication with developers and ensuring usability across various devices.

Security Compliance: I managed the design flow up to the user login process, emphasizing security. For example, our error messaging maintains user privacy by displaying a generic "incorrect username or password" message rather than specifying if a username exists.

Components in Figma

Loading Screen

Sign In

Errors at Sign In

Key Takeaways
Designing for Security: This project underscored the importance of integrating robust security measures early in the design process, which not only protects users but also builds trust.
Responsiveness Pays Off: Creating a responsive design from the start greatly simplifies later development stages and ensures a better user experience across all devices.
Customer-Centric Design: Aligning the application’s design with the customer profile provided by the client was crucial. It ensured the final product resonated well with its intended users, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.
Areas for Improvement
While the prototype largely meets the WCAG 2 Level AA standards for accessibility, there are minor components that still fall short. Addressing these gaps will not only broaden the user base but also comply with legal standards, improving the overall user experience. Future revisions will focus on enhancing these areas to ensure full compliance.
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